Previous names: Dial Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Revealed: How Arteta will teak his tactics and formation to fit Willian in

 By 1970's Gooner

A lot of journalists and of course fans have been wondering how Willian will fit in in an Arsenal side which, offensively wise, has finished the season pretty well, beating among others Manchester City in the semi and Chelsea in the FA Cup final.

In those games Pepe has shown improvement in both his attacking displays playing out on the right wing of a three pronged attack in a 3 4 3 formation and also attending to his defensive duties with diligence.

But if we assume that all of Arsenal's first and second choice attacking players are kept on the books for the coming season then Pepe would be the most likely choice to make way IF Arteta does decide that he will choose Willian as a first choice over Pepe. 

But in my opinion Arteta will tend to use Willian in a variety of ways.

Firstly, in a 3 4 3 system he will keep Aubameyang on the left side as he has shown how effective he can be from there coming in towards the middle. Lacazette will be dropping slightly back to receive the ball and distribute it forwards as he has done so well this season. So under such a system Willian will be in direct competition with Pepe and whoever is injured or lacking in form will be on the bench. In this way the one can be a substitute for the other late in the game.

But another way that Arteta can fit Willian in is by changing his formation to a 4 2 3 1 system where Aubameyang, Willian and Pepe will be the 3 and Lacazette up front. In this way Willian will play a more central attacking role adding his positive, forward dribbling and running game and feeding the other three the through balls required.

I can see this formation being used much more often in the coming season especially at home against opposition that may sit back and thus require us to use creativeness, imagination and direct dribbling to unlock them. 

Indeed Arteta can start a game with a 3 4 3 system and if he needs to push the team more forward to change the game in order to equalise or get the winner he can move to a more offensive 4 2 3 1. Alternatively if he starts with the 4 2 3 1 system he can revert to the 3 4 3 if he needs to hold a score and see the game out.

Thus Willian will offer Arteta something more than the much needed experience, guile and forward thrust.



Lavanya said...
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梁爵 said...

2020.09.02不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因最近梁曉尊應徵時, 酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容有些女孩們都會問到有沒有行政助理的職缺?
這是在酒店業存在很久的應徵的騙人噱頭了, 我在酒店上班的日子其目的就是以高薪來引誘不知情的美眉上門應徵,應徵時再叫一位大姐姐或是阿姨之類的老女人面試,談話聊天的同時再混淆妳的價值觀,告訴妳脫衣陪酒是小事一件,他們會說只要有錢賺,犧牲是應該的!用這種釣魚的方式來引誘天真無邪的女孩們,加上美麗的話術做包裝,實在會讓沒有社會經驗的女性心動不已,於是踏上了一條黑暗的不歸路!!
被警察抓到怎麼辦? 妳的經紀人能幫妳嗎? 他也因妳違法要避風頭!
妳之前賺的錢夠妳打官司嗎? 妳在坐牢期間家裡的生計可以維持嗎?染上性病或愛滋病怎麼辦?

Unknown said...

Well, this's really good....but when using 4 2 3 1 formation.....the two defensive mefielders cannot be ceballos ND xhaka...then, d big question is who r we to sign for d blocking four?

梁爵 said...
