We all know that Arsene Wenger is on the look out for another centre back having identified that defending the high balls through the middle has been a weakness that showed its ugly head this season.
A number of names are doing the rounds and the latest to appear today is Richard Dunne of Manchester City.

Under FIFA rules he is allowed to buy out the remaining of his contract.
As a result Dunne’s price is reported to be only £1m.
Arsene Wenger did state recently in anger at Inter Milan’s efforts to sign Hleb that :
“You should not forget what clubs do to us we can do to them as well”
However I don’t really see this transfer possibility as having a lot of substance.
For a start Dunne does not possess that much pace. He is brave and he can defend the high balls but he will fall short of other attributes like technique, agility and ball distribution that are required to be a very good defender of the standard that Arsenal will need.
Arsene Wenger is a man of principles and after having accused Inter Milan of having no values he will look really stupid if he did the same to another club.
Yet in a way he has taken advantage of little windows in FIFA rules that allowed him to sign players on the cheap.
Cesc Fabregas is one so is Fran Merida and surprise surprise Mathieu Flamini was another!
Better in my opinion to go for Micah Richards.
Flamini's contract was over when we signed him, we didn't take advantage of any rule.
I think Dunne would be an excellent signing as cover but not as a starter.
Wenger wouldn't look stupid if he signed Dunne this way. Wenger is angry with Inter because of the way they aproached Hleb, not the Webster-clause. Reportedly Inter met with Hleb the night before the important game against AC Milan in CL, and that is illegal. He may be sad to lose Hleb, of course, but i don't think he is angry with the Webster-clause, only the way Inter talked to Hleb in the beginning.
And if i want Dunne? Yeah, he would give our side experience and strength, which we to a certain degree lack at the moment. He is 28 years old, and can replace Gallas when he retires in a few years, or go to another club. I think Dunne have been even better then Micah Richards this season. Although i'd rather see Wenger sign Richards this summer. He is quicker, can play at right back and centre back and is still very, very young. But as I said, YES to Dunne (since i think Richards wont come anyway).
Who says Dunne is slow? There's a reason he's been City's player of the season over the last four years. When do you ever see him get caught for pace? Fair enough, when he was over-weight and had his publicised falling out with Kevin Keegan over his fitness he was slow and cumbersome then. In the interim he has shown he is one of the best center backs in the premiership. As a City supporter I hope Dunne finishes his career at City. Slow!! Are ya well?
The Webster ruling only applies when a player buys out his contract to move to another national league.
In Webster's case he moved from Rangers to Wigan.
So Wenger can't "do an Inter", which makes your whole article pointless.
I think the article is right in the sense that Wenger will take advantage of a FIFA rule and buy out the contract of a player. Just as Inter want to do (albeit a slightly diff rule).
I would also like Micah Richards instead of Dunne.
Richards is a far better defender than Dunne but at least we are looking at British defenders which I think should be our main focus.
Correction, it was his loan move from Wigan to Rangers that triggered Hearts to try and sue; he bought out his contract for 150K.
Wenger can't buy out his contract anyway - it's the player's choice. He can buy it out and retire if he wishes.
To anon 1.06
Wenger will give him the money to buy out his contract if it comes down to it anyway. Stop being so pedantic and concentrate on the main ponit which is that Wenger may be looking to buy Dunne (on the cheap)
hi...true wenger cannot do a webster on city...the rules wont let him. i would like dunne at arsenal i think he is an organizer and a no-nonsense centre half. this article is nonsense though. ps ben-dunne is born and bred in the R.O.I. to call him british is deeply insulting and incites hatred. please do the decent thing and correct this! thank you.
It's a big leap to go from the fact of Dunne being 28 to Arsene wanting to take advantage of the Webster clause to get him cheaply. If AW is interested, why would he not proceed in he correct manner and approach the club first, like he normally does?
Yes I am sorry dunne is ROI but you know hat I mean..
I am a City fan and I think you don't deserve Dunne. He is far better than your Toure and Gallas anyday. So get lost and go and find another team to pick on.
City have more money than Arsenal. How about we buy Fabregas instead hey? You arrogant southern numpty
City have more money than Arsenal, well good for you. Carry on depending on your sugar daddy.
Totally wrong. The rule says the player who buys his contract must move to a team in ANOTHER country.
Dunne is too slow and lacks any kind of technique to be able to play for Arsenal
Richard Dunne?
OR HART (gk)
anyone who's watched city consistently this year will know richard dunne is a far superior defender than micah richards at this moment in time, and what arsenal lacked this season was experience, leadership and aerial dominance - all of which dunne would offer. richards will be a better player long term, but dunne is a quality centre half, richards isn't yet - he just has the pace to recover from errors. as long as he's got pace alongside him dunne is nigh on world class, and reads the game better than any of the centre halves arsenal currently boast.
also, talk of the webster clause is nonsense - you can only use it to move from one country to another, not within the same one.
Dunne??? Better than Toure??? HAHAHAHAHA!! YOU'RE HAVING A LAUGH!! Better than Gallas maybe...but Toure??? Go watch the MLS if you believe that!
i didn't say he was better than either gallas or, indeed, toure - only that he reads the game better! toure and gallas are both far better on the deck, for a start; in all fairness to him, dunne has to read the game effectively due to his comparative lack of pace - gallas, toure, sagna and clichy all have the pace to atone for any errors made by the arsenal back four.
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