By 1970’s Gooner
Eduardo’s return to first team action has now been placed in October as he is not expected to start his pre season until September. The assessment is that he will make a full recovery which is great news for Arsenal.
This however leaves Arsene Wenger short of the full complement of forwards that are currently available. I say currently because the Adebayor saga may still show its ugly face as there is still a long way to go until the transfer window closes.
And it looks as though Arsenal are in two minds about this issue. On the one hand Wenger is issuing statements about wanting Adebayor to stay.
On the other Ken Friar and the official Arsenal seem to have put their tail between their legs by sending that letter to AC Milan inviting them to bid for Adebayor!

Also by the time a replacement is brought in and then take his six months or so to acclimatize to the Premier League we can kiss the title or any trophy good buy.
Even if we assume that Adebayor will stay that will still leave the team vulnerable to injuries (especially to Van Persie) and suspensions.
Watching Carlos Vela play his first game for Arsenal against Szombethalyei in Hungary has reinforced what I have been writing about this youngster throughout last season.
Carlos played an integral part in almost all of Osasuna’s matches and impressed so much so that the club’s hierarchy made the trip to London to try and convince Arsene Wenger to loan the player for another season.
Having watched Carlos play for Osasuna on a number of occasions I have been impressed by his trickery and ball skills but most of all his battle hardened attitude to perform under pressure.
Against Szombathelyi he looked assured, full of confidence and trickery.
He started in the middle of the attack and was strong enough to hold the central defender breathing down his neck, use his skill to hold the ball and bring other players into the game.
For a first game he combined well with those around him especially Walcott putting him in on goal with a slick short ball into the box with the outside of his left boot.
He also laid on a sure goal inside the box for the much improved (and for me man of the match) Denilson who proceeded to rattle the bar with his shot.
You can watch the highlights of the game in the video window on the right hand side of this page.
If deployed in the first team Carlos will, I am sure, take advantage of Arsenal’s style of play which suits him quite well and also greatly benefit from the numerous chances that Fabregas and the rest will create.
Look at a comparison of his Osasuna stats versus the other Arsenal strikers.
Player Stats Comparison
Vela, Adebayor, Eduardo
Appearances: 33, 36, 17
Shooting Accuracy: 73%, 51%, 48%
Assists: 4, 4, 3
Goals: 3,24,4
Tackles Won: 85%, 80%, 64%
Offsides: 12,66,4
With a shooting accuracy of 73% he is way ahead of Adebayor (51%) and Eduardo (41%) and he is bound to improve on the number of goals scored to reach Adebayor’s by converting the numerous goal opportunities he will get.
He is also likely to get flagged offside fewer times than Adebayor’s 66 of last season!
Carlos possesses one more attribute. He is left footed and there’s not many of them in the current Arsenal first team squad.
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AC Milan have told so many lies, do you seriously believe that Arsenal sent any of the letters they claim to have received? They took advantage of the fact that Arsenal do not react to media speculation to make all sorts of claims. I wouldn't believe them if they said day was day and night was night. Arsenal would never invite anyone to buy a player because that puts all the bargaining power in the hands of the buying club because they know you are keen to sell. Arsenal may want to sell Ade, but they are clever enough to make public noises about wanting to keep him so that they don't look desperate and get taken for mugs.
Denilson was definitely not man of the match, and even if Eduardo's accuracy may not be high he still gets the goals and will be ahead of Vela come Christmas.
Also you can't just ignore the facts that he only scored 3 goals and you've wrriten that Adebayor and Eduardo scored 24 and 4 respectively but it was actually 30and 12 in all competitons, which is far greater than Vela's.
Bendtner will probably be ahead of Vela, and everyone keeps labelling Van Persie as injury prone but he's just unlucky with long-term injuries. Also I doubt Adebayor will leave but if he does I wouldn't be surprised to see Arsene playing Vela or Bendtner.
He's a good player but will need a year to start challenging for a first team spot.
One of the better posts on the internet, well done.
When I watch Vela's first game, the comments by wenger came to mind. Wenger stated that he thought of Vela as an Eduardo type player. At first I thought it didn't make sense, but in the game, vela played as a striker and put himself in good scoring positions. And we he gets a bit of sharpness back, he will score. He can also play on the left, like Eduardo did sometimes last season.
for anyone who doesnt know better vela has spent the last 2 seasons on spain playing as a left winger so his scoring stats r likely to b less impressive than adebayors. personally i can see him getting games in the RVP position when he inevitably gets injured for at least 3 months (like all the last 3 seasons).
why do we continue to wish van Persie and also Rosisky to get injured
We are not wishing they get injured. We have to face the possibility that they are injury prone. the fact is that we have eduardo, rosicky, toure and song out for the start of the season.
hi gents
i am new to your blog but have been reading you for a while.
first off, i am not an ego-bayour fan and could not resist challenging your stats on the mighty ego-bayour. through the whole of last season i can only remember two assists by him... a nod down each for bendtner and eduador to score and the number of successful tackles looks decidedly dodgy... i demand proof!!!
As I have read many times that we should remember how Clichy was injury prone, look at him now. Lets have faith, our bad luck with injuries has to change and it will be this year!
I agree with you about Vela, This kid can play! Can you imagine him with the first team. I am so excited, he has a world of talent. I also do not believe he will need too much time to start doing damage.
As far as Ade leaving or not, oh well!!!
God Bless!!!
Good piece. Though, did you see Bendtners' fantastic linkup-play and setting his teammates up with, apart from Walcotts goal, a couple of sitters. We've got Bendtners' airtrhreat, which is nonexisting with Adebyebye, and an accomplished footballer in Bendtner as well. Sell Ade. Vela, Bendtner, Eduardo and v Persie, with Walcott to add, there is enough striking power. Take the money and run.
But is there anyone out there ready to buy him. I doubt it.
To anon 8.46
I agree with you, Bendtner links up play very well and he will be vastly improved this season. Still we need Ade's experience, goal scoring and aerial ability I feel.
To Raphael
Welcome on board!
The stats are from Opta but I also have dificulty remembering Ade's 3assists.
Can anyone help?
Thanks Baz for your kind words.
I agree with you that Vela will get goals for Arsenal as will Nasri.
Vela can also provide balance for Arsenal on the left something that has been missing since Reyes left.
i agree with your article.I think Vela showed glimpes of good touchs considering that it was his first game.I also agree with you yesterday Denilson played very well.He was distributing the ball very well.People should know that Denilson will never be flamini .He has got his on way of playing which is effective on its own
Denilson responded very well yesterday and showed that he can play in that position. He needs more games to get back to fitness and then he will show everyone that he will have a bright future at Arsenal.
I also made him man of the match.
I'll keep saying it - if we play Vela on the left and Walcott on the right......wow, are we going to tear up some defenses this year. I don't care what combination of Ade, RVP, Ed, or Bendtner we play along with them.
Perhaps injuries wouldn't be such a big deal if we had a decent sized squad.
First I must say this.... the new home shirts are crap... a white line down the sleeve and under the arm is not an Arsenal shirt...looks more like a cheap Charlton-esk type. Our shirts have white sleeves which is synonimous with the Gunners!!!
All the stats in the world mean nothing as Vela will take time to settle in... it is a proven fact that all players need at least 6 months. Van Persie has been injury prone for the last 2 years .... and Rosicky has been almost from the day he joined us..... I for one don't have confidence that they will be fit for more than half the games this season.... but as someone else has already said, if we had a strong squad with first team quality & experience rather than being topped up with unproven teen hopefuls then injuries would be less of a problem.
I and many others forsee that this season will start off the same with a few wins to get our hopes up...and then we will struggle to keep up as Arsene fails to keep to his "we will keep this squad together and add one or 2 more top quality players" Neither Nasri nor Ramsey can be classed as that yet.... and we have lost 3 and possibly 4 of our main squad players..... AW will fail again this year and the next and the next unless he changes his buying policy and principles!!!!
Wow, have to say this is the most rose tinted version of a game i have ever heard. I watched the whole game and vela offered nothing more than two or three glimpses of class. He was, for example completely overshadowed by wilshire whop is only 16 and by concensus on the boards not ready for teh premiership. Get real. He was being knocked off the ball by a hungarian pub team defence. He was slow. He is skillful but like eduardo was when he joined he needs time to use it that he won't get in the Premiership. Drop the high expectations. He can be a agreat player for us but he will need a good while to acclimatise to the pace and physicality of the English leasgue.
Finally, how you can say that his total mis-control of an easy headed chance was a quality lay off is beyond me. We all want him to do well but all you are doing is piling too much expectation on to him in what is already a presuure situation.
I think Ade provided the cross for RVP to score away at West Ham.
No I think it was Hleb that provided the cross for Van Persie's goal at West Ham!
these statistics are rubbish. Eduardo is our natural and best striker in the squad. Whenever he gets a chance he scores, his conversion rate is amazing, unlike Adebayor who needs 5 clear chances to score 1. I really hope Eduardo will recover soon, and together with Adebayor we'll have the best attack in the Premier League, as they complete each other very well. Van Persie should be on the bench, and so Rosicky.
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