I promised my self I would not get involved with any transfer speculation over the summer and I did pretty well up to now.
The Euros kept me entertained for the last few weeks but the Adebayor rumours forced my hand.
I was incensed both with Galliany for shamelessly trying to unsettle a player that stated on a number of occasions that he is happy where he is and also Adebayor and his agent too for taking the bait.

But Galliany’s comments gave the other, fame hungry and vote chasing idiot from Barcelona, Laporta, a chance to boost his profile.
It looks like a new Bermuda triangle has been reinvented!
Laorta is not very popular following last year's capitulation to Real Madrid and he needs something spectacular just before the vote he is facing on Monday.
Apparently if he does not get a vote of confidence he has to stand down and a temporary board be put in place until the formal elections in September.
The new board cannot authorise transfers, so Barca are trying to finish off their dealings before then. Can you imagine it? Barcelona imposing a transfer embargo on themselves???
What is even more annoying is that I don’t think that Milan were ever interested in Adebayor.
Galliany announced that they can’t afford Adebayor and that Italians clubs cannot sign top players!!!
Maybe he will remember that next time he should sign somebody he can afford saving all of us a whole lot of trouble.
The Barcelona interest is different however
Laporta is going to come up with an improved offer of around £30m to £32m (the original offer around £25m was rejected) because getting a big name striker will almost certainly guarantee his re-election.
If an offer as big as that comes in then Arsene has a decision to make. He loves the big profit margin but he might also think that he’d be better off selling now rather than having to deal with the same speculation every summer.
I know we had the Henry and Vieira speculation in the past but as far as I can remember they never expressed in public any desire to leave the club.
If after one season Ade values himself that highly then I can't imagine what will he want after 2 or 3 successful seasons!
Arsene can do a lot of things with the money received
He can go chasing a top quality centre back which should be a priority, but also go and find some goal scoring midfielders.
Goals from midfield have been a constant in all of AW teams with opposition managers having a hard time containing Arsenal because of the variety of their attack.
This has been a real problem however since Freddy and Pires have been moved on.

Rosicky has been largely injured, Hleb reluctant to shoot, Eboue usually off target and limits and Cesc was prolific only in the early part of last year.
I like the options Ade provided going forward last season and if that’s how Arsene wants to play then he should keep him.
However I was never convinced by his distribution and his ability to link up play (see my posting Adebayor should start looking behind his shoulder, if you are interested ).
With the current squad members a more fluid counter attacking style is in my opinion better suited.
I have to admit that Ade’s behaviour has left a sour taste in my mouth. If the money is right and the whole amount is reinvested in the squad I say take it.
Let him go and let him learn that the grass is not always greener. Does he really think that he will be as successful in any other team?
Does he think the Barca fans will be as kind and patient to him as we were?
I’d suggest he gives Thierry a call and find out.
Arsene’s revised transfer plans?
Is it all Wenger’s fault this transfer activity?
Adebayor wants £120,000 a week or he goes. Take the money and run Mr Wenger
Brilliant post mate! Just Brilliant!
Surely a big part of the question is whether we set a trend by selling our top goalscorer to Barcelona for two successive seasons. Next year Van Persie. Then Eduardo.....???
Great post
I think you will find Thierry wasnt our top goalscorer when we sold him!
I get your point but Titi is obviously past his best and 16m for an ageing crock is good business. Also we got his obscene wages off our books.
Ade is different but if you said Barca were going to offer 25m+ for him at the start of last season I would have politely asked for some of what you were smoking. He is not world class, nowhere near worth 80K a week and he is replaceable in my opinion. He is a good player, but not a great one. Maybe he will prove me wrong but the defenders in Spain will suss him out pretty soon.
If Arsenal were to sell Ade (which I don't believe will happen), then Wenger should buy a decent goalkeeper and a center back. Goals from Midfield is nice excuse, but Arsenal has no problem of scoring goals despite that Hleb don't score much and Rosicky spends more time in the hospital than on the pitch. Overall If Mr. Wenger want to win some silverware this year he has to strengthen the defence with a center back and with a goalkeeper. It seems he won't buy a goalkeeper (unfortunately we'll have to suffer to see Almunia the clown), but at least a center back is necessary.
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