Previous names: Dial Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Arsene should tell Mourinho what to do

By 1970's Gooner

Arsene actually called Fergie an annoying man, if you remember. But Mourinho can be so annoying, really.

He cannot accept that a player of his has chosen to play for Arsenal. He fears us so much he refused us last season the loan deal for Demba Ba and now he tries to meddle with one of our younger stars in a kind of recriminatory retaliation asking for his transfer to Chelsea!

And that hack of his, Ray Wilikins, comes on Talksport without any time to waste and goes on about what a good addition to Chelsea's squad he will be.

Firstly we should tell him where to go. Arsene should tell him where to go.

There is no way that we are going to sell the Ox. We would rather stay with our current goalkeepers. Let's face it Ospina has been very reliable in this his first season and he is bound to improve as all foreign players do in their second season.

And secondly the Ox himself will not want to warm the bench like Salah and Cuadrado have done before him.

So you know what to do Mr Mourinho.

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