By 1970’s Gooner
Once again the British press latch on to a story we published days before.
The Sun and other national dailies (not to mention Tribal football) even had the Ken Friar quotes we featured on our site word by word!
We had already informed you that Arsenal had signed the transfer papers for Gilberto’s transfer to Panathinaikos and that he was expected to arrive at Athens today.
Well true to form and his word Gilberto arrived a few hours ago at Athens Airport amidst the adulation of about 2.000 Panathinaikos excited fans.
Gilberto was then driven out of the airport with a lot of difficulty due to the large crowd trying to catch a glimpse of the player who will become the best paid footballer in Greece.

He will meet later, Nikos Pateras, the Panathinaikos president, at his private yacht. Gilberto will undergo a medical tomorrow after which he will sign his contract which will be for three years expected to be worth £6m plus bonuses.
Arsenal will receive around £1.2 m and the player’s representatives, The Base Soccer Agency, £0.8m
Gilberto will return to Greece on Monday to join up with his new team mates for pre season.
You can watch the video of the reception Gilberto got at the airport here.
More photos

Arsenal sign transfer papers. Gilberto having medical on Wednesday. Terms of the transfer revealed
Arsenal decide to transfer midfielder after inviting club to London for talks
I hope he enjoys himself.
That video - It's all Greek to me :)
Seriously thanks for the years you have given us - come back and see us sometime.
Legend. Thats it. Fantastic
hey mate. gr8 work i appreciate u supplying reliable info. i am a blogger from India and i am crediting u while i write a piece of this transfer. thanks a ton for the pics and vids. cheers
Thanks Pratik!
I've just been watching an interview with Gilberto on ATVO and I feel so sad about him leaving. I know it's probably for the best for both parties, but it's hard to see such a super professional and decent man leave us.
hello 1970,
another blogger frm India. Kudos to you man, we are getting more reliable info that likes of Thesun, uncle sky, and Auntie Beeb pick later on. One of the most underrated Arsenal sites in web. Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Thanks -Zero or anon 7.53 pm !
Thanks for your fantastic service for AFC Gilberto.
We will always remember you and I am sure I speak for most fans when I say that you will be one of a very few players that showed the most loyal attitude towards the club.
Unlike some others....
Good luck and best wishes. Been a true Gooner and contributed so much to the team over the past years. Realise what a tru pro is when you compare this man with some of the assholes we've had at the club recently.
Will miss you Bert.
Gilberto is one of the last remaining gentlemen in the game.
A true professional in every sense, and a real role model for all these greedy kids.
Excellent coverage of Gilberto's arrival, thanks!
No problem Q - Arsenal Way
tanx for the memories and the refreshing non greedy attitude , best of luck.............
i will never have anything bad to about gilberto the only thing ahppened to him is age you cand do anthing about that,have no dought he he got reprodeced form when he was along veria wenger would have preperd to give a bigger contarct. but as things stand no the most he wouldgot two more at arsenal,and wenger will offer him one year extension, so i was not to suprised by move. so now its time diaby and delison,song and dijorgh to step up.
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Great entry. Anticipating the next.
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