By 1970’s Gooner
Since Sven Goran Erikkson was appointed coach of the Mexico national side he put his trust on the young shoulders of Carlos Vela and Giovanni Dos Santos to get the goals.
However during Erikkson’s six games in charge the youngsters did not manage to get on the scoring sheet.
The consensus in Mexico is that both players have fallen short of expectations.
In the game against Jamaica last Saturday Mexico lost by a single goal and both forwards played the full 90 minutes with the Tottenham player impressing less than Vela.
According to sportscaster and ex goalkeeper Raul Orvañanos, Dos Santos deserved to be benched for the next game against Canada as he was lacking in confidence.
“Dos Santos is not that good at the moment because even with Tottenham has had not so good performances. The English team already played seven games without a win in the Premier League” he said.
“Carlos Vela must play because he was far more confident that Giovani" he continued.
In fact Erikkson stuck to his guns and started with both players for Mexico’s next qualifying game, yesterday Wednesday (15.10.2008) against Canada in Edmonton.
Carlos Vela however failed to impress and in fact it was Dos Santos who gave the assist for the equalising goal.
The game ended in a draw and Mexico need only draw their next game against Honduras to proceed to the next phase of qualification for the World Cup where six teams will fight for three places.
Ali Gerba scored first for Canada in the 12th minute. Mexico, who could have advanced with a victory, equalised when Patrice Bernier deflected into his own net after a powerful shot by Salcido in the 34th minute.
The goal gave Mexico renewed hope and energy but three clear opportunities, falling to Luis Perez, Carlos Vela and Andres Guardado went begging.
You can watch the goals and Vela's miss on the video screen above (Vela appears on the video around the 5.20 minute)
It was from the counter attack after Guardalo’s miss that Canada put together a move from the right wing with Gerb sending a pass to Radzinski who had no trouble converting from inside the area in the 49th minute.
Mexico equalised in the 64th with naturalised Argentinean Vicente Matias Vuoso after Dos Santos crossed from the left. Vuoso rose above his marker to plant the header firmly into the net.
A minute later Vela was substituted and another forward from Spanish side Deportivo, Omar Bravo, was sent on to try and get the winner but to no avail.
Erikkson’s record reads; played six, won three, lost two and drawn one.
Vela and Santos like Fabregas and Messi: World stars in the making
I watched the game last night. You're right Vela was not that impressive. I mean we all know what he can do. I feel in the Arsenal team he can be a better player. But he did have a real good chance last night to score when he was one on one with the keeper. Second half he barely even got the ball and when he did made a few sloppy passes. He'll get better service when he gets back with us though. Not sure if the Vela and Dos Santos partnership can really work in the Mexico team. For right now atleast.
they won the youth world cup together, surely they can work with each other?
who cares - the main thing is he came back without an injury!
i think the constant long haul flights can't be helping the matter, i mean Vela must have been back and forth to Mexico on at least 3 occasions since July or August. Complete madness! that's a 10+ flight every couple of weeks or so. Vela has been out of Arsenals 3 times already i think because of international commitments seriously harming his chances of first team football
He probably won't play against Everton on Saturday after that long haul flight, but hopefully as there are no internationals for a while it will give him a chance to start playing more regularly for Arsenal.
However during Erikkson’s six games in charge the youngsters did not manage to get on the scoring sheet.
Has Sven quit then? Or has someone not quite mastered English verb tenses yet? ;-)
well wide of the mark saying he aintscored for erikkson, he scored in back to back world cup qualifiers in the last international break or the one before for a start
Carlos Vela is the next big thing in world football after our own Thierry Henry. He is really talented, remember he is only 19 of age. Carlos Vela & Theo Walcott combination going to rule the world in near future, without doubt. They going to terrorise all the defence into pieces. Anyway, i just want him to return to North London without any injury. Come on you Gunners.
Cheers :)
I think this says more about Ericsson as a coach than the players.
Yea, you are right. Comments by th1eve sais it all. A good manager & the bad one. Let me ask you ? Why Carlos Vela can perform better in Arsenal colour ?
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