By 1970’s Gooner
It seems that Aaron Ramsey has been won over by three major factors.
One is Arsene Wenger’s fame of nurturing young talent and not being afraid of giving youth a chance. You only have to think of Fabregas and Walcott and all the other young guns that are getting first team action at an early age.
The other is that with Manchester United he would have been loaned back to Cardiff for the coming season. Aaron might have felt that his development as a player would remain static.
Add to all this the fact that Alec Ferguson couldn’t be bothered to whisk young Aaron to his holiday hideout so that they could have had a face to face.
Arsene Wenger of course is the master at this kind of thing. He has to deal with concerned parents of young starlets all the time.
Remember last summer around this time he stopped short his holiday in Sardenia and traveled to Norway to meet with Nordtveit, his father and club president clinching his signature right there and then.
He probably has by now developed the art of persuasion to a masters level. He not only laid on a private jet for Aaron to travel to his base where he is commenting for French TV on the Euro 2008 but he invited his parents too.

This was in 1995 from Luton Town for £2.5m at the age of just 19, and so knows all about the situation Ramsey will find himself in.
He is also all in agreement with Aaron Ramsey's decision. He reckons Ramsey will have no regrets, despite turning down the European champions.
"Whichever club he finally went to it would have been a great move. But opting for Arsenal I feel was the right one for him.
"I’ve recently been to Arsenal’s training ground and it is out off this world.
"He will have the best facilities, the best coaches and the best back-room staff that money can buy.
"He will also be working with one of the best managers in European football. So he's on a winner already."
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