By Aries
Arsene has been commentating for TV during the tournament but he was in the stands watching the Quarter Final between Spain and Italy.
He admitted later that, when Cesc Fabregas stepped up to take the last and decisive penalty for his country, he prayed for the young maestro who sent Buffon (Ed correction) the wrong way to earn Spain a place in the Semi Finals.
"It was a great responsibility, especially as he is not a specialist in this area. For me it was a moment of happiness. It was important for him. He is going to gain confidence and Spain and Arsenal will take advantage," he said.
Wenger also pointed out that if Fabregas had failed with his kick then he would have been persecuted for it. However he has now overcome a kind of psychological barrier which will stand him in good stead for the future.

“Fábregas has passed a barrier, because whoever fails at that time is long persecuted for their failure." "Overall I think his entry into the game was very beneficial for the team," he said.
Wenger also said that the Russian central defence was the main weakness of the team and that Spain along with Germany were his favourites to play in the Final.
Although not wishing to name which team he thought will win the competition he did acknowledge "similarities" in the style of play between Spain and Arsenal.
First of all...
he has finished working for french TV.. he was clearly sitting in the stand watching with Zizou
second.. he didnt put the ball past his own keeper.. seriously check you material before you post a blog.. Dickhead
First of all...
he has finished working for french TV.. he was clearly sitting in the stand watching with Zizou
second.. he didnt put the ball past his own keeper.. seriously check you material before you post a blog.. Dickhead
hahahahahHAHAHAHA Anon that's brutal but so so true. Poor post, HORENDOUS blog. Repulsing.
great blog, i love your site very much
brutal lol but i got to agree with anon. They were very basic mistakes that 95% of the people watching the game on English TV would not have made...
terrible posting... Wenger sitting with Zidane... also, you might want to check on the very obscure/little known Italian keeper that Cesc faced for the penalty...
and where did he say he prayed? you didn't post any quotes stating as such.
This is one of the best sites around so lay off please
Thanks for the corrections which have now been incorporated in the text.
But no thanks for the silly comments from some of you.
This penalty by Fabregas will prove to be a milestone in his career. The confidence he has gained is invaluable and hopefully he will take it into next season with Arsenal.
Why doesn't Fabregas take more penaltie for Arsenal? Can anyone tell me?
Don't worry about the attacks Aries, your site is one of the only ones worth reading. Keep it up
I would like to know where you got the Arsene quotes from though?
the only dickheads ae those leaving stupid insulting comments. fine to point out the oversight but dont resort to being like that. Good site.
I dont think cesc has any mental barriers with Arsenal but he must feel more confident with Spain now. he must feel he belongs there.
maybe he will take a penalty for us next season but I should think there are still a few others before him at Arsenal.
"Wenger also said that the Russian central defence was the main weakness of the team and that Spain along with Germany were his favourites to play in the Final."
WTF ..... Spain were playing ITALY. FFS
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