While the saga of Adebayor’s apparent exodus from the Emirates is continuing, Arsene Wenger like all good managers, is keeping his eyes and options open for a possible replacement.
He has been linked to Spain’s top scorer Daniel Guiza before but this time the link seems to have been confirmed by Guiza’s agent Felix Moneo.
But not as you might expect in trying, true to all agents ploys, to artificially raise up the supposed interest in his player.
In fact Moneo is a little bit fed up waiting for a bid for Guiza from Arsenal which seems to be a little bit slow in coming.
Guiza has already undergone a medical and agreed personal terms with Turkish club Fenerbahçe but he has not put pen to paper yet as his agent was led to believe that a bid would soon follow from Arsenal.
He is reported to have indicated in the Spanish press today that he did not rule out Arsenal showing an interest.

He is the first Spanish player to do so since Diego Tristan triumphed in 2002 with Deportivo La Coruna.
The player scored 27 La Liga goals (in 37 appearances) none of which came from the penalty spot, while playing for a club who finished in seventh place.
As you might expect goal scoring opportunities may not be as forthcoming as at top sides and this record has alerted some of the top clubs on the continent.
Güiza scored Spain's second goal in a 2-1 victory over Greece for his first international goal but missed one of Spain’s penalties in the shoot out against Italy.
He reportedly has a €15m (£11.7m) release clause in his contract.
Arsene, take the Adebayor money and buy Arshavin
Arsene’s revised transfer plans?
And he signed for Fenerhbace last week..
Do your homework before you post anything !
I am from Spain and in fact AS newspaper in Spain is reporting that he has not signed for Fenerhbace. This might happen next week if no other offers come in for Guiza
I am not that impressed with Guiza during the euro but he did get those 27 goals in La Liga.
Wenger obviously tracks his players well in advance and if he is intersted then I would trust him.
I would rather prefer Adebayor stayed.
dont think his the type of striker that we need
and kinda high age for arsene
If he can get that many goals for Mallorca and be the top scorer in Spain he must doing something right.
And we do need more experienced players at Arsenal.
No thanks, would much rather keep Ade of if he leaves bring in Santa Cruz.
Wasn't Darren Bent virtually top scorer one year, like one goal behind Henry or something? I would not take the fact he was top scorer in one season too seriously. lots of players have scorching one-off seasons, but cannot repeat it.
yes , he scored 27 goals this season but he looked very poor in comparison to torres . if we buy a striker from spain it needs to be villa . if guiza has played in spain all his carreer there is a reason he is not at a top club at the tender age of 28 . also we only need a good international striker to partner adabeyor which guiza isnt if eduardo is not going to recover his playing fitness before mid september . if however adabeyor goes then we would probably need two players one proven ( arshaven ) attacking midfielder and one adabeyor/drogba type upcoming striker gervhino type player but can gervhino step straight into adabeyors boots which would be needed .
Listen guys
HE has scored 27 goals without any PENALTIES.
I very mouch doubt he is a one season wonder.
Another first for Arsenal Analysis! The rest of the English press have only reported on this today, a day later...
How do you do it?
if he does go im sure no one would mind david villa instead bearing in mind the money from ade
Fellow gunners, we don't need Guiza, so old, we need centrebacks and a defensief midfielder or Song can play there, we have better strikers than him, Bentner, Eduardo, Van Persie, Walcott and oh Vela. Please Wenger read this one and don't go for him, buy Micah Richards and we are done, we don't need Arshavin since Nasri will be coming, even if he doesn't come we have enough, we are not chelsea to be buying just for buying sake, look at SWP, i bet he is crying like a baby now, he would have been playing for the Greatest club in the world but no, greediness.
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