By Aries
It had gone a bit quiet recently with regard to the Hleb transfer.
There were three teams interested in his signature but the one that Hleb was really interested in, Inter Milan had a change of manager and a change of heart.
Then in stepped Barcelona and Bayern but it is the first one that is now claiming that Hleb will sign on the dotted line, with the blessing of his club Arsenal of course, next week after the Euro tournament comes to an end.
In an interview given to a Russian newspaper, Barcelona director of Football Txiki Beguiristáin said that negotiations for Hleb’s transfer were well under way after talks were taking place with the player and Arsenal.

When asked if they were talking to Hleb personally he said:
“Yes, of course. We discuss details of possible cooperation. There are negotiations directly with "Arsenal”.
It seems that this saga which started in Italy last March in an ice cream parlour in Milan will end in Spain with Barcelona.
And it looks like Hleb’s replacement, Samir Nasri, will come to Arsenal at about the same time.
At least Nasri is not afraid to shoot.
Wenger reported to be interested in Spanish striker
Never understood why Wenger spent so much on hleb in the first place? Sure he's technically gifted but he has never been a proper Arsenal player, never had an affinity with him and his refuasl to shoot just pisses me right off!
Bad signing overall for me.
Where is our BobbyP replacement? Where is that direct goal scoring winger?
Theo on the right can do it for us next season, but on the left? I hope Nsri is an addition, not a replacement for Hleb.
This is no news. These stories and many, many similar ones are in the Spanish sports press every day. Nothing hs changed, nothing reported here is new. So, we can all get excited slagging Hleb off and bemoaning the death of Arsenal as we know it...or we can wait for something to actually happen.
This is no news. These stories and many, many similar ones are in the Spanish sports press every day. Nothing hs changed, nothing reported here is new. So, we can all get excited slagging Hleb off and bemoaning the death of Arsenal as we know it...or we can wait for something to actually happen.
I must say I am very surprised. I don't understand at the very start why Barca want to get him and what is more baffling is why Barca is getting Ashavin as well when Barca has Messi and Bojan on the wings. Perhaps Ashavin as SS and Hleb as a back up?
anon 3;42
That was such a dour miserble post, definitely not worth saying twice!
i dont think nasri is replacement for hleb,i think wenger wanted to keep hleb and have nasri to.the question is this story realy true and if it is will barc be willing pay 15 million
Hleb played a big part at arsenal for quality of team dislay (passing, tactics)
Not much of a goalscorer though as admitted by A.Wenger himself "he is more of a dribbler and a passer"
I am very sorry to let hleb go, because he is high quality
I would not let him go to barcelona but choose Bayern Munich as I strongly dislike the idea of having too many arsenal players in one team (Barcelona or AC Milan ) be careful Arsene!!!
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