By 1970’s Gooner
Carlos Vela is about to start his well earned holidays at his native Cancun, a well known holiday resort in Mexico, before he joins up at last with his new team mates at London Colney for pre season training.
He had a very tough last loan season with Osasuna in the Spanish League where relegation from the first division was avoided only in the last day of games.
Carlos played an integral part in almost all of Osasuna’s matches and impressed so much so that the club’s hierarchy made the trip to London last month to try and convince Arsene Wenger to loan the player for another season.
Having watched Carlos play for Osasuna on a number of occasions I have been impressed by his trickery and ball skills but most of all his battle hardened attitude to perform under pressure.
I think he will obviously prove to be the most successful Arsenal loan; one that funnily enough never played for the reserves or youth sides before going out on loan.
He has now been performing well for the Mexican national side scoring yesterday his third goal in as many games.
His previous goal against Belize was a simple tap in after the ball came back to him off a post. On this occasion against the same opponent (in the second of a double World Cup qualifier) he showed what he can do for Arsenal next season.
Although he started the game as a central striker he did drift to the right channel (a little bit like Henry used to do although usually he drifted to the left).
He received a pass and then cut in on the edge of the area firing in a low strong shot to the goalkeeper’s left side to open the scoring in the fifth minute for the rout that was to follow.
You can watch all the goals on the video bar on the right hand side of this page.
I can see Carlos scoring this type of goal for Arsenal next season.
Carlos Vela not guilty
By the way, contrary to some reports, Carlos was never arrested along with the other Mexico players after their last game against Belize.
Those arrested for rowdy behaviour in a hotel room were captain Oswaldo Sanchez and Andres Guardado, Ricardo Osorio, Jonny Magallón, Carlos Salcido and Patricio Araujo.
According to the Mexican press, although Carlos is considered to have a good voice and be a good dancer, was so tired he went to bed early.
Arsenal agree large fee for Adebayor. But kept quiet until replacement signing comes in
Osasuna replace Carlos Vela with Arsenal trialist
Vela is top quality even before AW applies his secret wax oil to bring out the best shine in him. He seems to be comfortable playing any where in attack which is good for Arsenal. The question is how long will he star for Arsenal before he starts asking for a big pay raise, or Barcelona and Milan start sniffing around. I hate the way Arsenal are gradually been turned into a selling club, a stepping block for young players, its tough enough we didn't win any thing last term, but to lose the core of that team due to finance is very disheartening to be honest. If Arsenal sell Adebayor and Hleb, it doesn't even matter who replaces them, it will be confirmed that we are not one of the biggest clubs in Europe, just a selling club, who plays sensetionally sexy football, but trophyless.
I remember when the stadium project started we knew that we'd have to tighten our belts and it would affect us short term - but that it was a necessary evil for the club to ultimately go forward.
As for Vela, can't wait to see what he can do in Wengers' Arsenal team.
Anonymous 5:01:
I don't get this "selling club" thing - Even if on the face of it that's the way it looks, underneath Arsenal have the first or second biggest income in World Football now. PLUS, they will not go into debt to buy players. That is a GOOD business move for the medium and long run.
As credit and asset bubbles burst all around us, as the American consumer is so maxed out on credit cards and auto loans that their economy will be mired in a painful recession till 2010, as Londoners watch their equity shrink and Little Englanders being going into foreclosure, I for one feel proud that Arsenal's management (esp. Wenger, who takes most of the flack for this) has the balls to stand up to short-sighted borrowing, and the old fashioned business savvy to know that castles built on sand eventually sink. Unless you own the politicians of course. Abramovich might; Arsenal don't.
Doesn't Barca still owe us money for Henry?! Either Arsenal wind up being mugs and the banks never actually come for their money and the foreign oligarchs never come in with their capital to bail out the clubs, or Arsenal will be one of the last ones' standing.
For a reminder, watch whose capital it is that bails out the US financial institutions. When its chinese and Saudi capital, are they still US financial institutions? How much control does China have over the US treasury?! (Does it matter, perhaps not) But why do they have so much power? B/c the US government has made a serious of unbelievably short-sighted moves. What was once a US ECONOMIC hegemony has quickly become more and more a dominance based on a willingness to go deeper into debt and to use hard military power. The result is nasty and unpleasant for the rest of the world, as I am sure you will agree.
Great post anon 5:37
it all depends on what you define as big club,if you define by howmuch money we spend then arseanl are not the biggest,but if define in terms of ability then i would say that arsenal are wright up there with manu and wright now we are without dought a better team than barc and real madrid,those team s are big in term sof thee history and past success.
who can say what will happen with vale in future, not all players just in it for money, if fab wanted to leave for money he would have already,everyone knows if you are in it for succes and want toi mprove as a player you go to arsenal or manu but you just want the money go amilan,chelsea barc, real madrid i dont think you put manu in there because we pay around same money to our players.
wenger has always been given full support to buy as many players that he thinks that can improve the team they have set a limit its just wenger style not pay 20 million for one player, and with his fast scouting network he does not have to, he only paid 3mill ade, he paid 10 mill hleb,he didnot pay anything cashly col,sage he paid 5 mill,he paid 10 mill edwardo, fab he hardly paid anthing and because he has high quality youth system he does need to do what chelsea spending 15-20 million per player.
i donth wenger has any intension of letting any of players go and with vela ,nasri that will help,i feel song will play vitla role in our defence i ahve seen him he will help deal with set plays, wenger might buy a dm and i think he will buy gk.
Anon 5:37
You are wrong on so many levels.
1) Companies spend more in a contracting market not less. Where do you think the statement 'saving for a rainy day came from?'
2) All the money for Henry was settled up front. It was used up on our transfers last year.
3) It is obvious from your comments that you are American. But you are talking about an English game. We are not in debt to the chinese or anyone else for that matter.
4) In a downturn people spend more money watching 'sports' than going out restaurants. Its actually cheaper. Most of the season tickets are already sold. Sports clubs increase in value.
5) Vela is coming to a new culture and a big city for the first time. He was average in Spain. Don't expect anything for a few years.
Leon? I think you should suport Spurs mate you don't seem to have much faith in Arsenal?
Anon, I agree mate spot on.
I just would like to add, our transfer kitty is still being slightly held up as we paying for stadium don't you forget. Now apart from this debt we do not own anyone any money. Think about it do you think WE are smaller than Real or Milan? Arsenal may not have big european history but when we moved to The Emirates we then became a bigger club to what we were with much desire to win trophies just like any othe big team in europe and we have shown we can compete at the highest level.
Stadium debt will be cleared next by the end of next year and you'll only see that we'll have more money and we will be spending a lotmore of it as well. ManU are in debt, so is Liverpool and if it wasn's for some rich russian where would Chelsea be?
Have some faith support the boys and your CLUB!!!
vela is amazing.
Carlos Vela es el mejor jugador lo quiero mucho!!!!!!!!!!!! sexy!!!!!!!!!! viva mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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