By 1970's Gooner
Carlos Vela, like his national side, has returned to form scoring the third of four goals for Mexico against Peru and having a hand, directly or indirectly, in the other three.
His mind is currently focussed on World Cup qualification and the double encounter against Belize coming up on Sunday 15th June and again on the 21st June.
But it seems he has been planning for the day when he joins up with Arsenal.
In an interview given to Mexican site hoyinternet.com he revealed that he has been having English lessons so as to be able to facilitate his transition to Arsenal and English football as smoothly as possible.
“I'm still not very good to talk but I am studying and I hope soon to be able to talk well so that the language will not be an impediment” he said.
He also revealed that he had been waiting for three years for his chance to play for Arsenal.
“Now I have a chance. I hope I can seize it and be there for a long time”.

Now I look forward to another challenge to play for a team that will be fighting for honours and also in the Champions League”
He also expects that there will be tough competition to win a place in Arsenal’s first team.
“It will be very difficult. I'm going up a level to a better team and players. But I will fight for a place and hopefully it will happen fast and I can play from the start”.
Carlos Vela has high ambitions as to how high he can reach in his career. His idols are Ronaldo and Ronaldinho but he admits that when he played against them in Spain he saw them differently.
“I had the good fortune to play against them. But now I see them differently because when you see that you can compete against them you realize that someday you may be able to reach their level”.
Let’s hope he does.
Vela’s next game for Mexico is against Belize and he is expected to start having shrugged off the thigh strain he picked up in the previous game against Argentina.
Vela injured and will be living in London, like Santos, alone
Vela shines and scores as Mexico trounce Peru
Why is it they always seem to learn the swear words first?
I'm sure they are not taught them by their teachers.
What do you mean "THEY" always learns the swear words / what does it have to do with Arsenal or Vela!
Yea dobbi all Arsenal players never swear.
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