By 1970’s Gooner
All is not lost yet. We were very close to the three points which would have been achieved with our second 11 and then everybody would have been praising our “strength in depth”.
But we were done by a combination of bad refereeing, too many changes and defensive lapses.
The referee gave Wigan a non existent penalty as there was no contact on the player who in any case was clearly outside the area! And to top it all a clear handball from Nasri’s free kick inside the area was completely ignored. Sickening really when you consider that Fabregas’s similar handball was punished.
But I feel the real reason for dropping the two points were the many changes made by Wenger. Most of the players looked rusty and could not play together as a unit. Just like the away games at Shacktar Donetsk and Braga.
Wenger should have made changes to rest players but not as many. In my opinion Djourou should be starting every game even if there are two days between games. I don’t think he would have scored that own goal….You don’t see Ferguson resting Vidic and Ferdinand too often do you?
Arshavin had a big impact on the game but he is useless defending and tracking back. Eboue needed that support but he often was no where to be seen.
Diaby, Denilson and Rosicky found it difficult to jell.
Wenger should have kept the spine of the team intact. Fabianski, yes. Djourou in the centre of the defense. Song in the middle of the park to provide strength and penetration and van Persie in attack.
Wigan would have had no chance with these players starting.
Still Wenger knows that we are only half way through yet. There is a long way to go and his aim is to prime his key players so that they are fresh enough to be able to put in a sprint on the run in.
Manchester United are not really playing that well this season. They are certainly not playing better than us.
Chelsea are struggling to find form and I don’t see them putting in a run to catch up the lost ground. They will drop more points as they find that their narrow home win against Bolton proves to be a false dawn.
Manchester City are blowing hot and cold and they don’t look capable to put in a consistent run.
And don’t forget we have home games to come against the Manchester teams.
Arsenal though can do it. We have most of our key players back (van Persie, Fabregas and Walcott) and when Vermaelen returns (to play alongside Djourou) no one will be able to catch us.
And this draw at Wigan would be long forgotten….
Whenever Arshavin plays (left midfield) his lack of taking his defensive responsibilities seriuosly leaves us exposed on the left side.Every team we play looks to exploit this...& yesterday was no exception. If a central midfielder covers for him it simply leaves us exposed elsewhere. He has great ability as an attacking player, but defensively he is a passenger that the team can't afford.
The most complete team performance
for some time (against Chelsea) came on one of the rare occasions when he didn't play...that's no coincidence.
I enjoyed ur analysis, it's realistic optimism, not the extremely polarized views of defeatism or grossly misplaced faith.
However I wish the players share ur sense of can-do vigour, cos judging from the evidence from our on field displays, there is a very clear indication of "social loafing" with a lot of our boys. Is it tactical, psychological or physical ineptitude I'm not sure, most likely a mix of all three.
I come from a place where "action speaks louder than words" so to be honest looking at their body language I don't think the players want it as bad as us fans.
That is my lament.
My prediction was 5th after the 4 xmas games and I will be right.Team selection against Wigan was arrogant and utter stupidity on so many counts, we were on a high from a great performance, we had most players fit for once, we have had a 2 week break, keep the momentum going, make the changes in the 2nd half if leading team, any pub team manager would have done this.3good points followed by 3 more guaranteed against Wigan = 6 good points,rst your best players against Birmingham so their fit against MC would have meant at least 8 points. Now we are under pressure, confidence not what it would have been and we will loose at least 3 players against the thugs at Birmingham leaving us with a weakened team low on confidence against a team gaining confidence. = total 4 points and 5th in the league. It was not rocket science, now its all over when it need not have been just shear stupidity.
Thank you for this blog. That’s all I can say. You most definitely have made this blog into something that’s eye opening and important.
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大學生了大框又等於全場、就是客人啊!),這些都是特色,也直接關係你的收入多寡。3.酒店打工事先模擬客人的類型:客人的類型有很多種~拼酒型~戀愛型~好色型~聊天型~談公事型~投其所好型~犯賤型~心情不好型等各種類型!能夠應付越多種就表示交際手腕越強! 【2020年最新版】(面對不同類型,自己可以研擬各種固定劇本)4.透過問候來增加互動:現在通訊軟體發達,尤其在非上班時間傳問候關心等簡訊,多方經營會有相對回報的。5.投其所好的情報:透過幹部、行政或多或少都有相關客人的情報,所謂知彼知己,才能讓自己如魚得水。新聞有熱度,容易引起共鳴)2.把12星座和血型了解一遍。(還是有不少男生會願意聊,總比灌酒、吃豆腐強太多,對方若興趣缺缺或打槍此話題,就回說「當然人不是只有聞有熱度,容易引起共鳴)2.酒店把12星座和血型了解打扮,主動詢問。如「髮型很好看,在哪剪的?」、「鞋子很百搭,什麼牌子的?」也是主動搭個舞台,讓客人暢所欲言,就沒空灌酒吃豆腐了。5.「大絕招」: 酒店上班【2020年最新版】問客人在哪當兵?此話題一開,就是男人畫唬爛的時刻,短時間話題不容易停,姊妹也可以喘口氣。以上簡單舉例,目的告訴大家,許多紅牌小姐是有下功夫的,尤其事前的準備很重要,還有坐檯時多觀察其他公關的說話方式,覺
會選擇上午場酒店工作的小姐們 梁曉尊/梁小尊 劃出4個族群
2.避免客人和業績幹部的流動(有些消費者會因故提早消費 怕流失到其他店的午場)
所以午場可以說是附屬 各店還是以晚場為經營主力
B.為何午場的生意只是晚場的2~3成呢 原因有以下:
1.一般商務客 於5點下班 7.8點用完餐 大約九點左右到店內消費(這是最單純的消費客層)
2.下午的消費者 可以說十分特別(就如同妳不會凌晨2點去超市買菜一樣... 就是怪!!)
因為午場的消費者較少 所以生意量普遍不高(收入也可能是晚場的2~3成)
下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
1.必須把最後一桌坐完(例如客人7點進場消費到10點半 妳要坐到該客人離場 不能中途卡檯)
2.若堅持9點離開公司 則公司於7.8點左右就不會安排妳看檯(對收入有很大影響)
所以許多小姐大都會選擇午場跨晚場 (一星期加班晚場2~3天 該桌結束 可隨時下班) 以增加自己的收入。
2020.04.21武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)4月8日公告一名酒店工作酒店公關因為與客人親密接觸酒店S確診,中央流行疫情指揮中心隨即宣布9日起有男女陪侍的酒和舞廳無限期全面停業,酒店業進入大蕭條時代。酒店打工酒店小姐轉述常載客的老司機說,現在八大行業林森北路鬧空城,景象「四十年來第一次見到」。據了解,現在許多公關為求溫飽被迫轉入地下,到各種其它場所從事酒店PT傳播妹,或靠存款苦撐,處境艱難。4月8日北部一名酒店公關確診,中央流行疫情指揮中心隨即宣布9日起有男女陪侍的酒店和舞廳無限期全面停業,酒店上班進入大蕭條時代。酒店小姐轉述常載客的老司機說,現在林森北路鬧空城,景象「四十年來第一次見到」。據了解,現在許多公關為求溫飽被迫轉入地下,到各種其它場所從事傳播妹,或靠存款苦撐,處境艱難。酒店停業 小姐、泊車小弟都沒頭路。因應疫情,指揮中心日前勒令全台497家酒店、舞廳停業,相關從業人員一夕失業,北市的酒店公關和酒店經紀人哀嘆,政府說停業就停業,現在她們只能「吃土」。酒店經紀人芸芸(化名)底下有大約十名公關,政府宣布酒店停業後,除了她自己失業,底下的十名公關也瞬間沒了工作。「政府不瞭解酒店業運作」,芸芸說,她們固定是每週五發當週薪水,但政府9日(週四)逕自宣布停業,導致酒店公關的會計延遲發薪,小姐拿不到6日到8日的薪水。在酒店失業人群中當中,包括有近四年酒店小姐經驗、26歲的禮服店公關明明(化名),她直呼自己是「第一線受災戶」,抱怨政府無預警宣布停業,而且還沒有期限,「真的太過分」。明明說,她最近剛搬新家,剛繳了大筆房租和押金,停業五天,已經損失一萬八,接下來靠存款頂多只能再撐一兩個月,短期內也找不到其他替代工作,直言政府害她拿不到薪水,再這樣下去她可能也要去做傳播。芸芸說,其實早在停業前,生意受疫情影響已經很差,有的底層公關一週賺不到三、四千塊,加上公關要負擔較高的工作成本,髮妝費、治裝費都要自己出,也因為工作需要喝酒,常常得叫計程車,一天可能就要花掉一千塊。她指出,公關中還有很多獨自撫養小孩的單親媽媽,她們面臨更大壓力,但現在的相關補助都不夠。另外,像是酒店相關的經紀人、泊車小弟等行業人員也面臨失業困境。芸芸表示,她特別擔心從事少爺、泊車小弟的勞工,因為他們一部分是「道上兄弟」,處境最糟糕,薪水來源靠每天小費,一天沒工作就拿不到錢。「洗妹」亂象 轉入地下化風險更高更令人擔憂的是,政府勒令酒店停業後,酒店相關行業並未因此消失,而是轉入地下化。芸芸說,這陣子酒店經紀圈出現「洗妹」的亂象,很多經紀人利用這次疫情創造各種飯局和傳播的機會,在八大行業的討論板上標榜「想做快錢,疫情嚴重請私我」等語,挖角其他經紀公司的公關到自己旗下,結果現在很多小姐都去接各種飯局、陪酒,做傳播妹。「這是很嚴重的問題」,芸芸表示,相對於酒店小姐是在固定場所工作,常常有熟客來光顧,傳播妹面對的是陌生客人,去約好的KTV包廂、旅館或私人場所會面,不但造成防疫破口,還構成社會安全問題,因為沒有人可以保護這些公關的安全,確保她們拿得到薪水;一旦公關喝醉,被性侵的機率也很高,「現在這個狀況是非常非常不安全的」。
我在酒店上班的日子這行業所面對就只是"人" 你把人性搞定了 其他就簡單了很多人離開這行時會覺得應對進退的能力變好了。
因此人際關係-酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?真的是非常的重要 在這行就是大家常說的【手腕】。
手腕不只是對客人 對其它人【姐妹們 業績幹部 店家行政和少爺】酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?也是非常重要!
1. 酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?和其它姐妹的互動關係要好:姐妹們在上檯時可以互相幫忙!
今天你幫她 下次換她幫你 和客人不會天天碰面,但她們可是天天見面的人若在同包廂時 同事彼此默契良好 氣氛很熱絡 客人自然開心 姊妹們賺起錢來也開心不是嗎?
2.和幹部關係也要好:因為店裡客人都是幹部們努力帶進來的 ,一家店的生意量絕對是靠大家的努力,所以要有幹部緣 當幹部喜歡你 她帶客人來消費時 就會特別說你的好話 讓客人選擇妳 增加上檯機會。
3.和行政關係要好:他們可都是很辛苦的呢!一個月薪水又沒有我們多 每天要做這麼長的時間 且他們腦裡有很多寶等我們去挖掘呢!若他們給妳工作上的方便 是好處多多(如遲到不扣錢)(甚至請假可以不用補班)
4.和少爺關係要好:千萬不要覺得他們只是服務生 想想自已喝醉時 少爺是會適時的保護你 貼心的送杯熱茶 和他們好最簡單的方式就是~幫他們跳小費!
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