Previous names: Dial Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cheer up... Wenger made the wrong choices

By 1970’s Gooner

I was left disappointed rather than relieved at the end of Arsenal’s game last Sunday at Anfield.

Disappointed because facing 10 men we not only allowed them to score but also could not put them under the necessary pressure to get not only an equaliser but also a winner.

But when you think about it further, the performance should not have been a surprise.

For a start Arsene Wenger made the wrong choices for the starting 11.

Arshavin has been non existent all throughout the friendlies (and I watched all of them). He in no way deserved a start against Liverpool. He was a passenger, often giving the ball away.

Strange as he was not involved in the World Cup. Better to have started with Walcott who has looked sharper lately.

Secondly starting with Wilshere in the middle of the park was another decision that did not work.

The boy has potential for sure but to start him away from home and against Liverpool was asking too much.

And he was to be partly blamed for not controlling the ball outside the area which eventually resulted in their goal. He made the same mistake in the first half which resulted in a dangerous move by the opposition.

Better to have started with Rosicky who indeed looked the most creative and penetrative Arsenal player when he came on.

I do not see Wenger making those choices again unless he is forced by injury or these players improve their performances dramatically.

And therefore Arsenal’s first 11 will surely not be as weak again.

And there are two more reasons to be cheerful.

The first has to do of course with the likely return to the first team of three vital cogs in Arsenal’s engine: Song, Fabregas and van Persie.

Their stand ins left a lot to be desired. Especially Chamack.

He will turn out to be an excellent buy by Wenger but on Sunday he repeated his performances in the friendlies: lacking control of the ball and also penetration.

The second has to do with Almunia.

He is Arsenal’s best goalkeeper at the moment but will not be when Given or Schwartzer arrive.

I don’t think that either of those goalkeepers would have let Ngog’s effort at the near post (which was a carbon copy of Imbrahimovic’s goal for Barcelona at the Emirates remember?).

So cheer up…..


Anonymous said...

to think about it yu so right that was nott our best 11 and what matters is winning the games that are important because our next fixtures are ith bottom half teams so
dont be mad be glad

Anonymous said...

I guess you had nothing better to do today...........waste of time port.

Scotland Steve said...

Besides misspelling his name, you're wrong about Chamakh.

His debut was just fine, especially considering that he got no service and when he DID try to hold up the ball, Arshavin and Eboue had gone missing.

Finally, Chamakh alone was responsible for the goal. Decent cross from Rosicky, yes, but Chamakh put his head in a place where we don't usually find Arsenal players -- and the result was that ricochet off the post that forced Reina into the quick turn, the fumble and the goal.

Hate to single you out for criticism, but I CARE about this club -- so before I make statements out of my arse like so many bloggers seem to do, I watch replays of the entire game and then isolate specific plays for extra review.

Some of the things I took from the Liverpool adventure were...

1. Koscielny was terrific. Idiotic sending-off. Until then, he was composed, stronger than we've been led to believe and quick enough to outrun Torres with only the keeper behind him. A fantastic start. It seems AW has unearthed a surprise centre half for the second straight year. Great news. (Kos also accidentally booted Kuyt square in the bollocks as a bonus.)

2. I've never seen a player hit harder in the head with a shot than Agger. No surprise that he had a concussion. And in fact, he doesn't even remember the game at all and the lad is now out "indefinitely." Scary, indeed.

3. Theo looks the business. I think this is the season he grabs his chance by the scruff of the neck. He'll score 15+ goals and set up another sackful before it's all over.

4. Diaby will always be Diaby. Normally I would say that's OK -- for a sub -- but I'd rather have a player with less talent but more consistency so you KNOW what you're getting. Diaby plays one game in four like Kaka and the other three like, well...kack.

5. You're spot on with Almunia, and the poor guy knows it. I like him, too -- but he's lost his confidence, which is the death of a keeper and the defenders around him. We MUST sign Schwarzer (Given is just hot air as City won't ever let us have him), or else Arsene could bite the bullet and give the gloves to Szczesny. The kid is future, anyhow, so maybe the future is now. It isn't with Almunia.

5. Nasri was excellent. Again. And now he's injured. Again. Are we cursed, or what?


gazzap said...

its too easy to say all that in hindsight. rosicky had travelled to eastern europe and got back late and tired. Wilshere was fresher having played only 10 mins in England midweek. arsh was our best player available on the day and wenger admitted that he kept him on because he is one of few players that could produce a moment of magic, plus he has a great record at anfield. I admit he looks a bit unfit but I can understand every one of wengers team selections which I cant often say.

Anonymous said...

Mummy just bought you your first computer? Utterly inane.

OzziePom said...

I am so sick of reading these comments by so called Arsenal supporters. You do nothing but whinge and moan and knock our talented players and brilliant manager.

Well said Scotland Steve that was a much more realistic assesment.

Anonymous said...

Smug and wrong. Not a great combination.

rizal said...

What a lot of bull, it is easy to make a comment while having benefit of a hind sight .

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