Previous names: Dial Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal

Monday, January 09, 2012

Likely 11 against Leeds

By 1970’s Gooner

I believe that Wenger will give much needed rest to certain players and also give the chance to bench warmers and other aspiring first teamers to show what they can do.

In goal Fabianski has to be given playing time so that he can be match fit  in case Szczeszny gets injured or becomes unavailable.

Coquelin has to start in order to get match fit and also get used to the left back position as it looks like he will be the preferred choice until a first team full back gets fit again.

Miquel will start as there are no other viable options. Niko Yennaris is likely to be on the bench.

Squillaci, who produces a clanger every time he plays will be risked by Wenger as he has to protect at least one of his remaining centre backs!

Mertesacker will provide the experience.

Song similarly and also as the team needs a defensive midfielder.

Benayoun, Rosicky and Arshavin need games.

So do Park and Chamakh

Henry is way behind on the fitness stakes and I think he will come on as a sub probably playing behind the forward player.


Coquelin Mertesacker Squillacy Miquel

Benayoun Rosicky Song Arshavin

Park  Chamakh


Anonymous said...

that's your line up my friend not for the tonight game i think, don't be suprised to c a serious line up only without rvp and mayb 2 or 1 regulars

Anonymous said...

I thought Fab was out injured..

Anonymous said...

I would like to see


Yennaris Mertersacker Miquel Angha

Coquelin Arteta

Ox Chamb Benayoun Myiachi


Anonymous said...

I think mr wenger will not want to approach d game with foolishness,it only b 4u to kp ur hand cross.i trust is decision.

Larsen.L said...

its a completely wrong team !

Anonymous said...

Wenger we have been way too much trophyless we need trophy wenger and bigger signings.

Anonymous said...

Someone from the inside has text me that Henry is likely to start

Anonymous said...

Must needed rest? Last game we played was second of january and next game in the league is after 6 days so I don't see any much needed rest here.

My guess


Djourou kos miquel coq

song rosi ramsey

c hamb/ben hamakh Henry

Anonymous said...

Wenger its high time you stop playing with our minds.we need serious team so as we get trophies.u knw leeds are on the revenge mission.

Anonymous said...

Wenger its high time you stop playing with our minds.we need serious team so as we get trophies.u knw leeds are on the revenge mission.

informed said...

Look, i realise it is after the game, but a touch of research would be good before anyone posts an article or comment.

Fabianski - injured
Coquelin - injured
Djourou - suspended
Miyaichi - injured

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